Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Needless Information!!!

Came across some useless info on the web........

1) If you went out into space, you would explode before you suffocated because there's no air pressure.

2) More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.

3) Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."

4) Medical researchers contend that no disease ever identified has been completely eradicated.

5) There are 240 white dots in a Pacman arcade game.

6) Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better.

7) Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

8) About 35% of all right-handed people eat with the knife in the left hand.

9) Caligynephobia is a fear of beautiful women.

10) The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F.

For more, go to http://www.unnecessaryknowledge.com/


Thursday, December 4, 2008

News Exclusivity...... Politicians.... What a Joke!!!!

What a Joke!!!!!

You are reading about the largest terror attack on a sovereign nation, the description of a gory bloodbath and the death of 200 odd people exclusively on this blog!!! Don't I sound like an egomaniac along the lines of Barkha Dutt, Arnab Goswami, Rajdeep Sardesai et al.... And please note, I am naming these 3 people for a very strong reason..... that being that these are the only people from whom you would expect some integrity among the sludge of the Aaj Taks and the India Tv's, the filth of Indian media....

My faith in the 3 people above and therefore in the whole of the supposedly unbiased English media stands shaken to its foundation today.....

'We are showing you exclusive footage of the NSG Commandos getting off on the roof of the Nariman House....' This must have been an image and a comment that all of you remember from 26th November... Well, ya I forgot, the terrorists had come from the dark ages to kill and maim us...... so probably they did not know the advent of a freaking Television set.... Duh!!!!! Let security go for a toss as long as I am getting my TRP's.... Wow, what an attitude!!!

Remember, Barkha Dutt who etched a strong memory of the Kargil war in 1996 in all of us Indians as a brave woman on the army front?? Well, did the same Barkha Dutt undergo so much of a change to reach the annals of patheticity (new word coined to display frustration) in television reporting in 12 years.....??

Rajdeep Sardesai, one of the most neutral anchors in the Indian media thus far??? Stooped to such levels today!!?? Appalling but true!!

I think all media channel reps must first be assembled, their face blackened and then they should be paraded on donkeys through cities and towns!!!! It will probably be the largest congregation of donkeys ever assembled this side of the border.......

And we say that politicians need to be done way with for this country to be a safe place!!

What a Joke!!!!
